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monday.com – Most Recommended

A CRM That's Tailored for You!

A CRM That's Tailored for You!

Dynamic Views and Dashboards
Simple and Powerful Automations
Syncs with All Your Favorite Tools
Pipedrive CRM

Ranked #1 – 14-Day Free Trial!

Ranked #1 – 14-Day Free Trial!

Lead and pipeline management
Group emailing + scheduled features
Perfect for most businesses
Hubspot CRM

Streamline Your Business w/ a Free CRM

Streamline Your Business w/ a Free CRM

Close deals faster with customizable playbooks
Connect reps with prospects instantly
Organize and manage contacts in one CRM

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems aren’t just for big corporations. The market is filled with CRM options perfect for small businesses, providing robust features without breaking the bank. But which CRM stands out as the best for small businesses in 2024?

2024’s Top 3 CRM Software Picks:

Let’s talk about our evaluation process at comparenchoose.com. Our reviews are thorough, addressing every critical aspect necessary to choose the right CRM for your company. We focus on vital features, pricing, scalability, and more to give you a complete picture for a well-informed choice.


#1 monday.com Sales CRM
Ideal for Small to Medium Businesses

Monday.com CRM stands out as a flexible and accessible choice, particularly suited for small to medium-sized businesses. The platform offers a variety of plans tailored to different business sizes and requirements:

  1. Free Plan: Ideal for small teams, providing essential CRM functionalities at no cost.
  2. Basic Plan: ($10/user/month) – Priced at $10 per user per month when billed annually, it covers core CRM needs
  3. Standard Plan: At $14 per user per month, billed annually, it includes more advanced features like Gantt charts and two-way email integration.
  4. Pro Plan: For $24 per user per month, it introduces deeper customization options and capabilities such as time tracking and formula columns​.
  5. Enterprise Plan: Pricing varies based on specific business needs and scale, offering extensive CRM features and support​.

Monday.com Overview: Monday.com delivers a comprehensive toolset that caters to a broad spectrum of business needs. Its plan structure supports businesses at various growth stages, from startups to well-established enterprises. The platform is recognized for its ease of customization, robust automation features, and integration with numerous other tools, enhancing its utility for managing sales and customer relationships efficiently​.

Here’s a snapshot of what monday.com Sales CRM brings to the table:

  • Integrates seamlessly with other applications, improving workflow efficiency.

  • Supports comprehensive engagement strategies across customer interactions.

  • Enhances sales processes with advanced forecasting and management tools.

  • Facilitates performance improvement through detailed analytics and reporting features

➡️   Visit monday.com Sales CRM

Read monday.com sales crm Review.


#2 Pipedrive 
Adjusts Well to Various Types of Businesses

Pipedrive CRM rolls out five different plans, offering a price cut for annual payments:

  1. Essential: This starter plan is available for $14 per user per month.
  2. Advanced: Priced at $29 per user per month.
  3. Professional: Priced at $49 per month, offer access to more sophisticated features.
  4. Power: This plan comes in at $64 per user per month.

Pipedrive Overview: Pipedrive shines in making sales management straightforward and user-friendly, sporting intuitive tools that optimize your sales pipeline. It’s not just about simplicity and visual workflows; Pipedrive stands out for its deep customization options, allowing businesses to tweak the system to fit their unique sales tactics and objectives.

Here’s a snapshot of what Pipedrive CRM brings to the table:

  • Streamlined lead and pipeline management.

  • Custom email templates that kick in with the Advanced plan.

  • Features like group emailing and scheduled sends start (Advanced plan).

  • Comprehensive deal and activity reports are standard across all plans.

➡️   Visit Pipedrive CRM


Pipedrive CRM – Summary

Reliable customer support through phone, live chat, or a callback request. *Round-the-clock support is exclusive to the Marketing Cloud plan subscribers. You’ll also get access to guided learning, workshops, comprehensive training, videos, and an active community forum.

Read Pipedrive Review.


#3 Hubspot CRM

HubSpot CRM is widely recognized as an ideal solution for small to midsize businesses. Its diverse features and pricing structures make it flexible for a variety of business needs:

  1. Free Plan: Includes basic features like email tracking and ad management.
  2. Starter Plan: ($27.90/user/month) More dashboards and email marketing tools.
  3. Professional Plan: For growing companies.

Hubspot CRM Overview: Excels with its user-friendly design, extensive feature range, and scalability. It’s especially known for its intuitive interface, seamless email integration, and detailed reporting capabilities.

➡️ Visit Hubspot

Read Hubspot Review.

Top 3 CRM Software for Small Businesses